Car Diva writes about: Nice watch - car photo

Nice watch - car photo

Nice watch - if you think away the stuff around it. When my eyes fell into the shop window of this shop, I only had eyes for the car front. So someone took apart an old Fiat 500. The nameplate is removed and two pointers have been placed in the middle of the whiskers. The movement would have to hide well behind the vault. I would have liked to take this watch with me. But I've been on the plane. So there was no danger that I would pull out my credit card.

Funny reactions were on Instagram, when I put the photo there. What I did not pay attention to was the environment. So there is still a Curt Cobain shirt in the photo section left hand. And a stuffed animal Nemo. My attentive Instagram friends (are you already there?) Noticed and commented on this immediately. But I still had eyes only for the clock, or the car front as a clock.

In any case, I'll keep my eyes open when I see something weird again.